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Expectations for Our Cadets

When a Cadet joins they agree to the following conditions of membership:


  • They will participate in training activities and follow regulations, orders and instructions; 

  • They will take good care of all items of clothing and equipment issued to them, to safeguard and return them when     requested to do so;

  • They will conduct himself/herself in a manner respectful of others;   

  • They may end their membership with the squadron at any time;   

  • They may be expelled from the cadet program if they commits a serious breach of discipline; and   

  • They are no longer eligible to be a member when they turns 19 years of age.

Squadron Policies and Expected Standards of Dress and Appearance

Being an Air Cadet with 588 Eric Simms comes with certain responsibilities and expected standards of behaviour, personal appearance and commitment to the program. At 588 Eric Simms Squadron, these expectations are covered in detail in our Cadet Guide under Section II - Squadron Policies and Section III - Dress and Appearance. Please click here to download a copy of our Squadron Guide.

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© 2019 par la Ligue des cadets de l'air du Canada - 588e Escadron Eric Simms. Fièrement créé avec



Ceci est le site Web officiel du comité de parrainage de l'escadron 588 Eric Simms, le parrain civil de l'escadron 588 Eric Simms. Ce n'est pas un site Web des Forces canadiennes. Ces pages ne sont pas destinées à être, et ne représentent en aucune façon, des commentaires, statistiques ou opinions officiels du ministère de la Défense nationale ou de la Ligue des cadets de l'air du Canada. Ces pages ne sont pas fournies, endossées, parrainées ou approuvées par le ministère de la Défense nationale ou la Ligue des cadets de l'air du Canada.


© 2019 by Air Cadet League Of Canada - 588 Eric Simms Squadron. Proudly created with



This is the official website of the 588 Eric Simms Squadron Sponsoring Committee, the civilian sponsor of 588 Eric Simms Squadron. This is not a Canadian Forces website. These pages are not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way, official comments, statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada. These pages are not provided, endorsed, sponsored or approved by the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada.


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